Equipment maintenance method

Equipment maintenance work is divided into daily maintenance, primary maintenance and secondary maintenance according to the workload and difficulty. The resulting maintenance system is called the “three-level maintenance system”.
(1) Daily maintenance
It is the equipment maintenance work that operators must perform in each shift, which includes: cleaning, refueling, adjustment, replacement of individual parts, inspection of lubrication, abnormal noise, safety, and damage. Routine maintenance is carried out in conjunction with routine inspections, which is a way of equipment maintenance that does not take up man-hours alone.
(2) Primary maintenance
It is an indirect preventive maintenance form that is based on regular inspections and supplemented by maintenance inspections. Its main work content is: inspection, cleaning, and adjustment of the parts of each equipment; inspection of power distribution cabinet wiring, dust removal, and tightening; if hidden troubles and abnormalities are found, they must be eliminated, and leakage should be eliminated. After the first level of maintenance, the equipment meets the requirements: clean and bright appearance; no dust; flexible operation and normal operation; safety protection, complete and reliable indicating instruments. The maintenance personnel should keep a good record of the main contents of the maintenance, the hidden dangers, abnormalities found and eliminated during the maintenance process, the results of the trial operation, the operation performance, etc., as well as the existing problems. The first-level maintenance is mainly based on operators, and professional maintenance personnel cooperate and guide.
(3) Secondary maintenance
It is based on the maintenance of the technical condition of the equipment. The workload of the secondary maintenance is part of the repair and minor repairs, and the part of the middle repair is to be completed. It mainly repairs the wear and damage of the vulnerable parts of the equipment. Or replace. The secondary maintenance must complete all the work of the primary maintenance, and also requires all the lubrication parts to be cleaned, combined with the oil change cycle to check the quality of the lubricating oil, and clean and change the oil. Check the dynamic technical status and main accuracy of the equipment (noise, vibration, temperature rise, surface roughness, etc.), adjust the installation level, replace or repair parts, clean or replace motor bearings, measure insulation resistance, etc. After the secondary maintenance, the accuracy and performance are required to meet the process requirements, and there is no oil leakage, air leakage, electric leakage, and the sound, vibration, pressure, temperature rise, etc. meet the standards. Before and after the secondary maintenance, the dynamic and static technical conditions of the equipment should be measured, and the maintenance records should be carefully made. The secondary maintenance is dominated by professional maintenance personnel, with operators participating.
(4) Formulation of a three-level maintenance system for equipment
In order to standardize the three-level maintenance of the equipment, the maintenance cycle, maintenance content and maintenance category schedule of each component should be formulated according to the wear, performance, accuracy degradation degree and the possibility of failure of each component of the equipment, as the equipment Basis for operation and maintenance. An example of the equipment maintenance plan is shown in Table 1. “Ο” in the table means maintenance and inspection. Due to the different maintenance categories and contents of different periods, different symbols can be used to indicate different maintenance categories in practice, such as “Ο” for daily maintenance, “△” for primary maintenance, and “◇” for secondary maintenance, etc.

Equipment is the “weapon” we produce, and we need continuous maintenance to maximize the benefits. Therefore, please pay attention to equipment maintenance and maximize the effectiveness of “weapons”.

Post time: Mar-06-2021